Accessibility Testing: Tools and Extensions - D
Accessibility Testing Tools
A variety of tools are available to assist with accessibility evaluation efforts. Most of the tools listed here perform automated checks on content created in a given format. While these automated checks are useful and easy to administer, they do not report on all accessibility issues. For a full assessment, you should test the functionality of your site using manual tasks, keyboard testing, and other methods. View a model testing protocol.
The IT Accessibility group at Iowa maintains this list as a service to developers and other stakeholders; please contact to make suggestions or report changes to items listed here.
Siteimprove is the University of Iowa's enterprise solution for website quality assurance. Any staff member who manages, supports, or provides content to University websites may request an account.
- Visit the IT Accessibility Siteimprove page
- Download the Siteimprove Browser Extension (Chrome, Opera, Edge, Firefox)
Web Browser Plug-ins and Extensions
- WAVE Extension (Chrome and Firefox) []
- Web Developer Toolbar (Firefox, Chrome, Opera) []
- aXe Accessibility Extension []
- Accessibility Insights []
Document Accessibility Testing
Accessibility tools listed here are free or available as features of an application
- Microsoft Office Accessibility Checker (for Word, PowerPoint, Excel and other Office apps)
- Acrobat Accessibility Checker (available in Adobe Acrobat)
- PDF Accessibility Checker 2024 (PAC 2024) (a free PDF checker)
Other Design and Assessment Tools
Screen Readers
- NVDA (Non-Visual Desktop Access) []
- JAWS (Job Access With Speech)
Canvas/ICON Accessibility
- UDOIT (Universal Design Online content Inspection Tool)
- Accessiblity Checker (embedded in Rich Content Editor)